How long do I really need to practice?
I can't meditate because it's hard for me to concentrate, what do i do?
What are the benefits of meditation?
How many types of meditations does Ādi teach?

You should sit in meditation for ten minutes everyday – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.







This is one of the greatest misconceptions. Concentration is thought to be meditation, concentration is not at all meditation; it is just the opposite of meditation. Concentration is a mind phenomenon. To concentrate upon something means you are focusing your mind on it.

In meditation you relax, in concentration you become tense. In meditation you are in a deep rest & alert at the same time. A bird starts singing in the woods, a dog barks in the neighborhood, a child starts crying; delicious smells floating in the air from the kitchen, the teacher is teaching a lecture, Your five senses are receiving, alert to all this but yet relaxed.










Meditation is an ancient practice that has many benefits

It reduces stress

Controls anxiety

Promotes mental health

Enhances self awareness 

Lengthens attention span

It can generate kindness

May reduces age-related memory loss

May help fight addiction

Improves sleep

Helps control pain

Can decrease blood pressure

Improves mood

112 Meditations to discover the mysterys within.








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