Our Message

We Are The Eternal Light Foundation

Love, peace, oneness, deep compassion, and reverence to all sentient beings on this planet and beyond. With each passing breath that comes and goes, we plant seeds of joy, bliss, and eternal light.

The universe is giving; all-encompassing, the whole cosmos is vibrating in perfect harmony, like a symphony. When the sun rises, it gives light and warmth to everyone. When the wind blows, it blows for every sentient being. Flowers are fragrant for everyone who passes by. If you resonate with this universal law of deep undiscriminating compassion in the light of calm and steady self-awareness, inner energies wake up and work miracles without any effort on your part.

We are all children of the universe. By living a life based on wisdom and truth, one can discover the divinity of the soul, supreme peace, and its union with the universe.

May there be peace amongst all sentient beings in the universe.



The Eternal Light Foundation

Love & Compassion

We Are All One

Acting with compassion is not just about doing good, It is giving ourselves completely to what we are doing in the present moment, so it’s not influenced by our past. It is acting from our deepest understanding that we are all one


Awaken To Your True Self

In a world of distraction, separation and division. By awakening to our true nature, we can discover the divinity of our soul, it’s union with universe and the supreme peace that comes from inner transformation


Leaving The Yoga Mat

Service & Social Action

The practice of conscious Seva (service), while being present in the moment provides us with information about our strengths, and we discover how this practice can genuinely help the planet and people



The Yoga Of Relationships

Conscious Relationships starts with a foundation of self-knowledge. As we embark on the journey of healing through Conscious Relationships, we must remember that it all starts within.Explore wisdom from Ādi on building and maintaining conscious relationships